Leica - Wild - Kern - Zeiss - K&E - Rental and Sales
Kern Digital Autocollimating Theodolite 0.5"
with 2 year
Kern E2 Sub-second Theodolite
Bright-line autocollimating device
Incremental static encoder system
Upright or inverted telescope image
Kern standard base or multi-base
Available also with Wild tribrach base
External 12VDC power supply or battery
Standard deviation 0.5"
Angle resolution 0.3" or 1"
Fluid compensator range ± 2'30"
Compensator accuracy ± 0.1"
Illuminated dual LCD display
Telescope magnification 32x or 42x

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Leica Digital Autocollimating Theodolite 0.5"
with 2 year
Leica sub-second motorized theodolite
Integrated autocollimation device with lamp
Absolute dynamic encoder system
Upright panfocal telescope
Dual axes compensator
Axyz firmware, PCMCI Memory Card Slot
On-board battery and charger
Available also with external power supply
Standard deviation 0.5"
Minimum focusing range 0.51 m (20")
Telescope magnification varies from 8x to
59x depending on eyepiece and distance

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Leica Motorized Digital Theodolite 0.5"
with 2 year
Leica TM5005 sub-second motorized theodolite
Shown with attached Gauss autocollimating
Device steep sighting up to Zenith.
Upright telescope image
Absolute dynamic encoder system
Axyz Firmware, PCMCI memory card slot
On-board battery or external Power Supply
Standard deviation 0.5"
Minimum focusing range 1.7 m (< 6 ft)
Telescope magnification 32 x power,
Aperture 42 mm, dual axes fluid compensator

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Leica Digital Autocollimating Theodolite 0.5"
with 2 year
Wild Leica T3000A sub-second pan-focal
Theodolite with integrated autocollimation
device and lamp. Absolute dynamic encoder
System. Upright panfocal telescope
On-board battery with charger and tribrach
Standard deviation 0.5"
Minimum focusing range 0.51 m (20")
Telescope magnification varies from 8x to
59x depending on eyepiece and distance
Aperture 52 mm, dual axes fluid compensator
Leica Digital one-second Theodolite
with 2 year
Wild Leica T2002 sub-second theodolite
Absolute dynamic encoder system
On-board battery with charger and tribrach
Standard deviation 0.5"
Telescope magnification is 32x power
Minimum focusing range 1.7 m (< 6 ft)
Aperture 42 mm, dual axes fluid compensator

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Leica Diagonal Eyepiece Set
Diagonal eyepiece set for steep or
Zenith observation consisting
GFZ1 telescope eyepiece and GMZ2
Microscope reading eyepiece
Use with bayonet lock type eyepieces for
Wild and Leica theodolites and total
Stations later than serial number 75890

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Wild T2 optical universal Theodolite
with 2 year
Wild T2 with automatic or fixed index
Red or Green LED autocoll. attachment
Tribrach, battery box with rheostat
Direct micrometer reading to 1" of arc
Telescope magnification 30x or 40x
Shortest focusing distance 7.2 ft

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Kern optical one-second Theodolite
with 2 year
Kern DKM2-AE automatic compensator index
Available also with fixed vertical index mirror
Tribrach or standard Kern leveling base
Direct micrometer reading to 1"
Telescope magnification 32x or 42x
Standard deviation 1"
Fluid compensator range ± 2'30"
Compensator setting accuracy ± 0.1"

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Kern Zenith and Nadir optical Plummet
OP48 optical precision plummet
Two telescopes for simultaneous
Zenith and Nadir
Kern tribrach, coincidence or tubular level
Telescope apperture is 30 mm
Telescope magnification 22.5 x power
Field of view at 100 m is 3m
Shortest focusing distance is 0.8m
Longest distance for mm resolution is 40m
Coincidence level sensitivity is 30" per 2mm
Mean pointing error 1:100,000
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Wild Leica Zenith-Nadir optical Plummet
with 2 year
ZNL single telescope optical plummet with
precision parallel flats to ensure reversible
Design allows for Zenith and Nadir plumbing.
Free telescope apperture is 13 mm
Telescope magnification 9 x power
Shortest focusing distance is 0.35m
Tubular level sensitivity, reversible, is 30" per 2mm
Mean pointing error 1:30,000
Wild Leica automatic Nadir optical Plummet
NL automatic Nadir Optical Plummet with
GDF11 tribrach.
Telescope magnification 24 x power
with optional
magnification of 28 x
Shortest focusing distance is 3.0 ft
Mean pointing error 1:200,000
Wild Autocollimating Mirror and Retro Prism
with 2 year
Tiltable autocollimating prism with tribrach
Wild T2 frame with horizontal axis and H-clamp
Optical collimator sight on top
of prism housing
Photolitho mm scale runs left and right from
center with horizontal sectional double bar
pattern, to measure offset from control line
Silver-coated prism is used in vertical alignment
Surface mirror is used in horizontal alignment
Trunnion axis
mirror for autocollimating control
Plate level sensitivity is 10" per 2mm
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Kern Parallel Plate Micrometer 0.001"
Optical parallel plate micrometer
Micrometer range ± 0.100"
Direct reading to 0.001"
Counterweight for Kern DKM2-A/E2 or T2
Fits directly on all Kern or Wild theodolites
Can be adapted to any Theodolite
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Wild HeerbruggN3 Precision Level
with 2 year
Wild N3 Optical Precision Level
Metric or imperial parallel plate micrometer
Inverted telescope image
Coincidence level 10" per 2mm
Micrometer range metric 10mm (± 5mm)
Direct reading resolves to 0.1mm
by estimation to 0.01mm
Micrometer range imperial 0.5" (± 0.25")
Direct reading resolves to 0.001"
by estimation to 0.0005"
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Wild Leica N3 Precision Level
with 2 year
K&E Paragon Tilting Level
with 2 year
Model 71 3010 Keuffel & Esser with
71-1111 optical parallel plate micrometer
3 1/2 x 8 Base Plate and with optional Kern
Centering tripod with fast set up plumb rod.
Coincidence level 20" per 2 mm
Micrometer range ± 0.100"
Direct reading to 0.001"
Zeiss Ni1 Metric Automatic Precision Level
with 2 year
Metric Automatic Precision Level with 10 mm
Parallel plate micrometer to .1mm increments
Optical Magnifier Readout and 500 mm scale
Telescope magnification is 40x power
Shortest focusing distance is 1.4m
Quadrilateral suspended pendelum prism
Air-dampened pendulum
Compensator range is ± 8'
Optical direct reading to 0.1 mm
0.005 mm by Estimation
Standard deviation/km levelling
± 0.2 mm
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Kern automatic Precision Level
with 2 year
Model GK2-AC automatic prec. level
Tribrach or Kern dome base
Detachable parallel plate micrometer
Glass scale optical microscope readout
Telescope magnification 32.5x
Magnetically suspended pendulum
Compensator range ± 2'
Parallel plate micrometer range 10 mm
Optical direct reading to 0.1 mm
0.005 mm by estimation
H-glass circle
with microscope readout
Click image map for detail
Kern Engineer's Tilting Level
with 2 year
Kern GK23 Engineer's tilting level with
360° horizontal circle, directly reading
to 10', upright telescope image with
30 x magnification, 45 mm aperture,
short focus at 1.8 m, coincidence level
sensitivity 18" per 2 mm.
Telescope coincidence level viewing
Microscope azimuth circle reading
Standard Dev. 1 Km levelling
± 0.2 mm
Kern dome head tripod or tribrach base.

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Zeiss Digital sub-second Theodolite
with 2 year
Model Eth2 sub-second theodolite
Integrated bright line autocollimating
Device. Upright or inverted image
Illuminated dual LCD display
RS232 Data Port Interface
Tribrach, on-board battery, charger
with or without slip ring
Standard deviation 0.5"
Angle resolution 0.3" or 1"
Fluid compensator range ± 2'30"
Compensator accuracy ± 0.1"
Telescope magnification 32x

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Zeiss sub-second Autocollimating Theodolite
with 2 year
Zeiss Eth2 sub-second theodolite with
Integrated Bright Line autocollimating
Device. Upright Image and with diagonal
Eyepiece for autocollimating above zenith
position. Illuminated dual LCD display
RS232 data port interface with slip ring
Tribrach, on-board battery, charger
Standard deviation 0.5"
Angle resolution 0.3" or 1"
Fluid compensator range ± 2'30"
Compensator accuracy ± 0.1"
Telescope magnification 32x
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Zeiss optical one-second Theodolite
with 2 year
Zeiss Th2 one arc second theodolite
Gauss bright field autocollimating device
Automatic pendelum compensator
Tribrach leveling base
Direct micrometer reading to 1"
Telescope magnification 30x power
Aperture 40 mm
Standard deviation ± 1"
Compensator setting range ± 2'
Compensator setting accuracy ± 0.3"

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Zeiss sub-second Total Station
with 2 year
Zeiss Elta2 Sub-second Total Station
Conventional co-axial 32x telescope
Temperature and pressure compens.
RS232 Interface data port
with or without slip ring
Tribrach, on-board battery, charger
Calibrated to OEM specifications.
Distance measurement to 2 Miles
Standard deviation ± 1mm +2ppm
Resolution 0.01' or 1 mm

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For steep incl. up to Zenith sighting
For all Kern theodolites, including
E1, E2-EC, DKM2-A, DKM2-AC, K1-M, K1-S