
Kern Laser Eyepiece with Green Laser Diode Module. Can be attached to any Kern theodolite or instrument. Powered by a 3 Volt Kern 2xD battery case. All internally wired, screws onto electr. connector on telescope, with a maximum output of 5mW. Can be focused to a tiny dot and is ideal for pointing or painting a line on an object.

Parallel Plate Micrometer set with DKM2-A or Kern E2 counterweight etc. Overall range is ± 0.100" with direct reading to 0.001". Also available in metric 10 mm range, 0.1mm direct reading.
Short Focus Lens set with range of 34.2" to 66.8"

Swisstek targets for Kern reflectors. Spring-loaded shaft with 16 mm OD and inner diameter of 1/2". Plug into the eyelets of Kern EDM reflectors for precise co-axial targeting, etc. Increased visibility with lime green self-adhesive decals.

Kern Power Supplies for E1 or E2 electronic theodolites, Mekometer ME5000 etc.
Wild-Heerbrugg Leica Instrument Accessories |
Leica Diagonal Eyepiece Set for all Wild and Leica theodolites and Total Stations using the twist-on Bayonet Lock feature

All kinds of Wild Leica and Kern Swiss highest precision tubular plate levels avialable for instruments like the T2, N3, DKM3-A, DKM2-A, GK23 etc. |
A wild pentaprism utilized on a Nikon
total station objective turret mount.
Plumbing accuracy is 1:70,000 |

Wild T2 Telescope Zenith Plummet.
Mounts to the center of the telescope
for auxiliary Zenith observation
with a plumbing accuracy of 1:5,000
T3 heavy duty Pillar Plate for concrete columns or observation pillars with three steel points, circular bubble and centering pin. Will accept any 5/8 x 11 instrument base, tribrach or adapter.
Wild Leica GEB 58 and
AL 51autocollimating
LED lamps.
Balanced T3000A 12V 2.5Ah battery available
with charger.

Wild Leica Laser pointer to fit all
Wild Leica theodolites with bayonet-type eyepieces.

Wild Roelof prism for sun
alignment. Can be used
with most theodolites with
the appropriate telescope
Optical Tooling Accessories |

These Swisstek Pentaprisms can be used on any instruments, theodolite
objectives, total stations, precision
levels etc. to translate line of sight
by 90°. Threads to any given adapter
with 52 x 0.5 mm metric fine thread.
Dimensions 1.7" x 2.1", weighs 4 oz.